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Showing posts from October, 2017

#StratBlog: Shifting the HR Service Delivery Model with IOT and a robot named Sophia

A little of 20 years ago I accepted my first HR position. As a HR generalist, I was given the opportunity to be everything to everybody. While in this role, I also had my first experience with Service Delivery. To level set, at that time a service center was "best practice" and manager and employee self-service meant that you were given the opportunity to receive HR services as long as you came to HR between 8am - 5pm. To help streamline the process, IT decided to roll out an "employee portal", which was designed to the be the one stop shop for all things. The portal was the first attempt to leverage technology to deliver self-service and became known as Tier 0. However, since no one took accountability for managing the content after a short period of time, all things, meant all things. The experience can only be described as going to the local dump. There appeared to be a method to the madness, but resulted in confusion and a lot of useless stuff. In the end...

#StratBlog Series 6: The #1 Question #HR Should be asking? "Should I Stay or Should I Go" (PART 2)

Should I Stay or Should I Go?  (Blog 2 of 2) I n part 1 of this blog (posted October 11, 2017), I provided researched based insights as to why HR has not moved to the cloud. The short of it, is that HR organizations are interested, but not committed based on: HR Direction = No strategy and defined outcomes.  Digital Capabilities = No internal resources with digital skills to manage and sustain.  Low Risk Tolerance = No investment based on perceived short term ROI.  Company Culture = No appetite to manage the change.  I also highlighted three reasons why HR Should Go. I outlined these based on delivering: Relevance = The value HR brings to the Business.  Difference = The innovative services HR delivers that separates us from the competition.  Demand = The insight of change and how it will create or optimize relevance and difference.  What does Relevance, Difference, and Demand look like? This is ultimately a quest...

#StratBlog Series 5: The #1 Question HR Should be asking? "Should I Stay or Should I Go"

Should I Stay or Should I Go?  (Blog 1 of 2) In 1982 an English Punk Rock Band named "The Clash" released their popular song "Should I Stay or Should I go". This song outlines a couple indecisive about their future. Regardless of the outcome, there will be obstacles and challenges to overcome,"If I go there will be trouble, and if I stay there will be double". Pondering on the lyrics, it made me ask this question. Would I "stay" and deal with the same challenges, only to achieve the same results, or Would I "go" and face new challenges with the opportunity to achieve new results? HR is it a serious tipping point and needs to make a decision on its future. Although we have seen some progress, HR remains in the balance between transactional and strategic. Will HR settle for status quo or make a commitment to digitally transform? According to a study released on September 5, 2017 by KPMG "Which lens are you using", ...